Allergy Friendly Baby Food…

So SR Nutrition’s founder, Charlotte Stirling-Reed, has her first E-book published in partnership with Dribble delights ( which is designed to help parents of children with food allergies and food intolerances through the weaning process and beyond, using natural ingredients and simple recipes.

All recipes are made without Gluten, Wheat, Dairy, Lactose, Eggs, Soya and Nuts and the book also contains tips and advice on weaning and feeding your baby.

The release of the book is aligned with Allergy Awareness Week 2013, which began on 22nd April. The e-book will retail at a special launch price of £6.95 and be available to purchase through Lulu. ( The book caters for babies 6-12 months, from early eaters to confident eaters.

Click on the picture below to buy the book:

Allergy Friendly Baby Food...